Sustainable Development at British Petroleum
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Case Details:
Case Code : BECG056
Case Length : 18 Pages
Period : -
Pub. Date : 2006
Teaching Note :Not Available Organization : British Petroleum
Industry : Oil and Chemical
Countries : United Kingdom
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This case study was compiled from published sources, and is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion. It is not intended to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. Nor is it a primary information source.
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The Gains
As a result of the environmental initiatives taken up by BP,
the company was successful in meeting the emissions target set in 1998 by 2001,
nine years ahead of schedule.
The company achieved a 10% reduction in the 1990 levels of 80.5 million tonnes of GHG emissions which was targeted to be achieved in 2010. The investments made by BP in solar and wind energy projects proved fertile as they generated electricity for many households.
The company brought electricity to a remote village in the Sahara desert with the help of its solar power technology. By 2004, all the major operations of BP were independently given international standard certification of ISO 14001 on environmental management.
The company aimed to improve its performance continuously by reducing emissions
into the air, water, and land.
Due to improvements in operational efficiencies and divestments of inefficient sites, the company was successful in reducing the GHG emissions from 83.4 million tons in 2003 to 81.7 million tons in 2004.
With solar energy, BP was also able to meet the electricity requirements of California and Peru.
It helped in electrifying 1852 schools in Brazil. The company also reduced the average price of the photovoltaic solar modules used in the production of solar energy from $3.79 in 1998 to $3.15 in 2004.
Besides, the company also provided electricity tapped through wind energy to the Dutch (Refer Exhibit VI on Environmental Expenditure and Performance)...
Exhibit I: Values and Policies of BP
Exhibit II: The Old and New Logo of BP
Exhibit III: Major Segments of BP
Exhibit IV: Financial Summary of BP
Exhibit V: Community Investment
Exhibit VI A: Environmental Expenditure
Exhibit VI B: Environmental Performance
Exhibit VII: The Global 100 Companies Accountability Rating for 2005
Exhibit VIII: Sustainable Development at Other Energy Companies